Our Executive Team

Shafiya Khan


Hello! I am currently in grade 10 and I would say I’m a hard-working individual who is passionate about mental health and loves helping the community in any way I can. Some of my interests and hobbies include; science, astronomy, photography and boxing. Currently, my favourite show is “Attack on Titan”. We have a wonderful team and we can’t wait to show you all what’s in store!

Ella Wong


Hi! Right now I am in grade 10 and I am a very organized art lover. I love visual arts like drawing and also playing musical instruments. When I’m not doing art I like to play video games, my favourite at the moment is Valorant. I am so excited to start this amazing journey of helping other youth! We have a wonderful team, I can’t wait to start working with everyone.

Shrusti Nanda

Vice President

As a firm believer of the quote "Live as if you were to die tomorrow and learn as if you were to live forever", Shrusti Nanda aspires to be a Clinical Psychologist along with a social worker. She works to raise awareness on mental health and sex education and wishes to bring down the stigma related to it. She's currently pursuing her graduation in Psychology. Apart from this, she's is an active debater , munner and a foodie.

Sameera Lakhani

Vice President

Hey! I’m a grade 11 student who is hardworking, passionate, and ambitious. I look forward to breaking the stigmas of mental health while working with the amazing executive team! Currently, I enjoy learning about marketing, as well as exploring concepts in chemistry! In my spare time, I do graphic design, dance, and make more lasting memories. :)

Katelyn Hou

Secretary and Treasurer

Hi! I'm a 10th grader who loves singing, music, playing basketball, and learning new languages. I strongly believe that helping others and making them happy will make me happy as well. Mental health is something I care a lot about, and by working with the Mental Evolution team, I hope to spread more awareness and help individuals struggling with mental health.

Saniya Khan

Secretary and Treasurer

Hiya! My name’s Saniya and I’ll be Mental Evolution’s Co-Treasurer and Secretary alongside Katelyn. I’m passionate about advocating for mental health as it is such an important issue. My favorite subject in school is orchestra, and in my spare time I enjoy blogging and working out. However, I can mostly be found binge reading manga while sipping on brown sugar boba.

Briana Ear

Director of Outreach

Hi everyone! I am a grade 10 student who is outgoing and engaging. I love to play guitar and basketball as well as cook. I love old movies from the 70s, 80s and 90s. I am very excited to be working and connecting with others regarding mental health, as it is a subject I care greatly about. I hope to spread awareness as well as do better for those struggling with mental health. It is an honour to be part of such an amazing team!

Francesca Tsai

Director of Outreach

Hi everyone! I’m in 10th grade and some of my hobbies include singing, playing instruments and playing video games. My favourite show would have to be “avatar the last Airbender.” I’m looking forward to meeting and working with everyone :)

Emily Revichev

Marketing Director

Hi! I am a hardworking individual currently in grade 10. I love dancing, cooking and baking, art, and learning new things. I believe that it’s important to spread awareness about mental health and I look forward to being a part of this team. :)

Samiya Khan

Marketing Director

Hello there! I have always been advocating towards raising awareness and the importance of taking care of your mental health and being a part of this organization is a perfect way for me to do so. I love doing Krav maga( a form of martial arts), dancing and cooking. My favourite show at the moment is Naruto and I highly recommend that you watch it. My favourite subject is math and I’m always interested in learning new things about new people.

Mona Afshar

Media Master

Hi Friends! I'm a tenth-grade student who is passionate about student leadership and youth advocacy. I'm excited to collaborate with this awesome team and build the website for the coming year! I'm currently interested in learning a number of programming languages, including Java, HTML, CSS, and others. In my spare time, I still enjoy swimming and baking.

Yusef Aziz

Graphic Designer

Hello! Owing to my role, I will be providing you with adequate, visually pleasing Instagram posts and media. To add on, I am proficient in the field of art and I have experience with most forms of artistic mediums. In my spare time, I enjoy drawing, writing short science fiction stories, boxing, and researching compelling topics like robotics or engineering.

Our Senior Team Members

Vivian Liu

Graphic Designer

Hey! I am a grade 10 student. Some of my hobbies and personal interests include photography, traveling, drawing, and swimming. My favourite TV show at the moment is Grey’s Anatomy. I look forward to designing instagram posts and stories to provide youth with the necessary tools and resources to reduce the stigma around mental health!

Tian Yuan


Hello! I am a first year student at the University of Toronto Scarborough. I am planning on majoring in human biology and psychology. Some of my hobbies include singing, writing, and playing the piano. My favorite TV show at the moment is The Queen’s Gambit. I love strong female characters! I also love cute stationery and Plushies. I look forward to researching information on mental health to reduce the stigma around mental illnesses.

Helen Ziomecki


Hello! I am a grade 8 student that will be working with Mental Evolution. I love reading and writing, which is part of why I am here! In school, my favourite thing to study is math, but right after school I like to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. For my own entertainment, I like to watch The Office and listen to music. I can’t wait to take part in Mental Evolution’s journey in mental health awareness.


Cindy Zhu
Eunsul Kim
Michelle Chandra
Fadiyah Muti'ah
Shaista Roohi
Aarushi Zutshi

We want you on our Team!

Are you an individual who is passionate about mental health? Do you want to make a difference and gain valuable experience?
Then apply to be a Mental Evolution Student Ambassador today!