Find where is safe for you

Do you part in slowing the spread by using this chatbot to find the low populated areas in Toronto. Ask the bot to go for grocercies or recreation activities and it will help you find a store that is safe and a hiking/biking trail that is not busy.

What to know before leaving your home!

  • We're all feeling cooped up because indoor and outdoor social gatherings between households isn't allowed..
  • No non-necessary travelling out of region.
  • Gathering for wedding, funeral, religious service 10 or fewer people.
  • No social gatherings following associated with above.
  • On the plus side, if you need to go for a walk, here's a list of places that are open:
  1. Parks and beaches
  2. Playgrounds
  3. Washrooms
  4. Dog off-leash areas
  5. Community and allotment gardens
  6. Benches in parks/recreational areas
  • Masks are recommended when using amenities or when distancing difficult
  • Masks are required while using washroom facilities and waiting in lines